Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a minute! You're "not supposed to fuck men you meet on the internet ...?" Rats! I didn't know that. Apparently.

Your Black Coffee is just the kind of story I love: lean, clever, lightly provocative, open-ended, only the essential words. It looks easy to write but I know it is definitely NOT.

I look forward to more of the The Layover. Quintessential Oolders!

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Hold up! WHAT??? 😱😂😏

I suspect The Layover will be moved from front burner to back burner and back again for a while. Much like Home Raker ... the story never really leaves my head, but requires a heightened level of motivation (and boldness) for me to get the words down. And another layer of boldness to share them. 😇

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Well, yes. And a 30-hour day, I'd say. Like the Beatles said, " Eight days a week!"

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Ooh, a forbidden rendezvous...

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Mm hm.

I know I'm on to something when my own stories make me uncomfortable.

And I didn't even share the uncomfortable part today. 😇😊

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Loved both. and the interesting use of coffee in both. Have fun on the next adventure with See Dot Smile!

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Thank you, Mary Lou!

At the very least, I plan to learn A LOT from the experience of being "edited." It will be good to know if I can handle it. Or not. 😂 Trying to stay flexible, of course. But I also know what a hard-headed beast I can be. 😉

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Coffee, black with butter. Touch of sea salt. Thanks for that!

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Cheers, Mark!

Admittedly, I've never tried the butter coffee trend. How much butter does one add? Salted or unsalted? Not sure it will outshine my standard "light and sweet" rendition, but I'd be willing to give it a go. ☕

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Good questions! I use about half a tablespoon in a 10 ounce coffee. It’s a different taste, not for everyone.

It actually, it’s used often by those on a carnivore diet, as a way of consuming more fat.

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You can add it to sweetened coffee also, and it gives it an even creamier taste. Almost like adding heavy cream in the first place.

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You convinced me at "adding heavy cream in the first place." 😁

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Cute story! Love the coffee. The 'heel-walked gingerly" got me though. How does one walk on one's heels without looking ridiculous? I can't visualize it. Tip-toed?

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The excerpt failed to include the "moment before," when she had her toe trampled while waiting in line for the restroom. She most certainly did look ridiculous. 🙂

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Good stuff, enjoyable, fun!

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Cheers, Michael! 🥂

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Outstanding 😍

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Thank you! 💜

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So, what I'm getting from all this is that the answer to all questions is Coffee. Black.

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