Thanks for repeating this one, or I’d have missed it. Not everyone can keep a metaphor going without wearing it out, and you did it splendidly.

“Wear hats.” And costumes.

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Thank you, Meg… there is a chameleon in all of us, and rightly so. It is a piece of our survival kit. You brought light to that cornerstone… 😊

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I feel seen by that poem.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Meg Oolders

Glad you recycled this one -- it's a banger.

I'd like to believe our forthcoming conversation inspired your attention-demaning rant, at least partly, so even if nobody listens to the episode the discussion has already proven useful. Related: I'm joining Instagram.

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I'm more of a reader than a writer, but if I were to become a better writer, I would hope that I could write something as beautiful and moving as the chameleon. It truly spoke to me. Thank you for sharing.

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Wonderful, heartfelt poem. It resonated with me. We aren’t just one personality. We are a ball of complications. Not even a ball. An ever changing shape.

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I am really loving your poetry. I never spent much time--apart from highschool--reading much poetry (although used ee cummings as my main reading in my wedding because he was my favorite then); Then when I started my substack newsletter, I pulled out all the poetry my father wrote (he started writing in his late 50's with retirement, so was a model for me to start to write full time when I retired), and put them up on my substack. Was a way of both honoring him, but also paying more attention to something that was so important to his life, but I had pretty much ignored. Anyway, I do hope you will keep putting these up (old or new) because they are bringing me joy. As for the theme in the poem. I really identified. I have been spending much of my last decades understanding how much time I spent trying to figure out what version of myself would make others happy. I want to honor that impulse, but I am also working to be comfortable with the idea that I'll I really need to do is be my authentic self, which still includes a desire to be of service to others...but to make sure I am not doing something that is a detriment of my own well-being.

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Apr 26Liked by Meg Oolders

So refreshing to read a poem sometimes. The Internet sea is choked with weeds... thank you Meg.

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That was good. Very good. I also write poetry when I'm feeling emotional, including being pissed off. Highly cathartic.

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nice ! a unique capturing of that feeling where people change for others just because they want to be loved!

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Ahhhhh dumbphone! Swiped my reply. Well, it basically said that this whole piece was badass. From poem to the end. I can’t see the full poll choices because the words get cut off. But I vote YesToAll.

Yes come to the Dark Side. Cookies. Nutz. Chocolate. Nom.

No, don’t be angry. Unless you’re angry and you want to be angry. Rawr.

Yes, be alllll the chameleon. My favorite color for the longest time has been the rainbow. I love your sexy wine posts. And when you rip my widdle heart out. And the 🔥✊rawr✊🔥. And the gray. (Mist. Fuzzy socks. Maker of my favorite scent: just at the start of rain. Sweats and no makeup.) No matter which shade you’re curating, it’s still your delivery and your vantage point, and that’s what keeps me opening your stuff even sometimes on brain fatigue.

(Sidenote: ever since Dain Bramage, poety is difficult for me to read. But something in your formatting allowed my brains to read this in the actual order in which you wrote it. What’s that about?! I dunno. But it was a bonus cherry on top of a fabulous read.) 🤪😱🤩

Also. Polls ARE dumb. Okay they’re not, but this Sagittarius is of no use to this one because: Yes to all the choices. And all the hats. Dang, a bunch of us really do come from theater, don’t we? In other words: thanks for reposting this gem.

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Loved it the first time, too.

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