I am not a reader who strays into books that might be called erotic as a rule any more, but I found the humor and the descriptions in this section quite delightful. One tiny caveat. From the beginning having the husband's name be Clinton kept taking me out of the story, finding myself looking for connections to the former president. For me the distraction in giving him this name outweighed the humor. Otherwise, thanks for continuing to share your work.

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Envy is so unbecoming. But that's the emotion I keep feeling when I read your work. The dialogue. The short, illuminating descriptive phrases.

Fair warning: I intend to keep imitating you until I get it right...

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"Palpable sexual tension and brief cunnilingus with plants."

"She nods, fearing the only thing that will leave her mouth, if she opens it, is a girlish squeal."

"Jesus. Is this kid even legal?"

“That’s okay. I’ll find out eventually.” He smirks and something snaps in Celeste.

This is really funny stuff, Meg. Who would not want to subscribe to this? Such a great escape into fantasy land.

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This is some steamy stuff Ms. O! This is a deliciously fun ride so far thanks to your sharp wit and impeccable timing.

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SQUEEEEEEEE I adore this -- PRO BONER got my guffawing out loud in the quiet of my early-morning kids-not-up-yet house. I love the awkwardness of that whole scene -- omg the natural redhead question and her response, lol -- and the flower-petal masturbation bit is magnificent. I hope it gets darker and weirder, but I'm taking whatever you're giving, Praise Em Eaulders!!!

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Fun stuff! The rose/window scene is wonderful.

I can't recall if this was mentioned in Chapter 1, but something I'm curious about: why doesn't Celeste leave Clinton? I'm sure you'll get to it -- if you haven't already dropped enough hints that I haven't picked up -- but I'm looking forward to diving deeper into her internal psychology.

Also, since young Harold is such a strapping young lad, I'm already formulating theories about who kills the poor chap.

Enjoy the holiday season and your respite from Substack.

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This should have been first chapter! Two people interacting always more interesting than one brooding. You got away with it because a dead body is a huge question mark, but the interaction and tension here is more propulsive

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Still laughing and seeing the movie....

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