I do not believe people are failing in their attention. If many are , it is the fault of their parents and teacher. Many parents dont have a clue about " SPENDING QUALITY TIME " one of my least favorite clitches and READING ALOUD with their kids. And READING ALOUD is free.
In out schools too many teachers are not aware of new books of the…
I do not believe people are failing in their attention. If many are , it is the fault of their parents and teacher. Many parents dont have a clue about " SPENDING QUALITY TIME " one of my least favorite clitches and READING ALOUD with their kids. And READING ALOUD is free.
In out schools too many teachers are not aware of new books of the last fifty years FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, that can grab and hold people's attention. Inmy 20 years of teachng at Northampton High School,, I brought in poetry, fiction, and essays from al over theworld.
And EnglishDepartments across the nation ( and it's probably true n other countries too) continue working in psuedosacred Idol In Idle known as the canon, a tight oblviious fiefdom where each lord has her or his very tightly established "curriculums " consisting often of their own interpretations often fairly afar from the author's original intent.
but when I and others have given our young women and men the works of Toni Morrison,, Margaret Atwood, Isabel Allende, Ann Sexton, Gwendolyn Brooks,, Frances Chung, and
Arundhati Roy they have welcomed these and other works with open arms.
There is currently a genocidall Gaza show in Palestine-Israel. You want to help students, ffriends andfamily the poetry leaders of the last fifty years in the Middle East, MAHMOUD DARWISH- the Pablo Neruda/Robert Frost/TS ELIOT/EMILY DICKENSON of his time.HAD HE NOT BEEN IN AN ARAB, HE WOULD HAVE WON THE NOBEL PRIZE DECADES AGO.
Many of my students have done remarkble projects related to their own penchants: paintings in the styles of Van Gogh, Kathe Kollwwiz, blues songs forcharacters in stories and novels, re-endings of novels ( To Kill A Mockingbird's Scout and herbrothr spring Tom Robinson from jail and form a new civil rightsgrooup.v
I do not believe people are failing in their attention. If many are , it is the fault of their parents and teacher. Many parents dont have a clue about " SPENDING QUALITY TIME " one of my least favorite clitches and READING ALOUD with their kids. And READING ALOUD is free.
In out schools too many teachers are not aware of new books of the last fifty years FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, that can grab and hold people's attention. Inmy 20 years of teachng at Northampton High School,, I brought in poetry, fiction, and essays from al over theworld.
And EnglishDepartments across the nation ( and it's probably true n other countries too) continue working in psuedosacred Idol In Idle known as the canon, a tight oblviious fiefdom where each lord has her or his very tightly established "curriculums " consisting often of their own interpretations often fairly afar from the author's original intent.
but when I and others have given our young women and men the works of Toni Morrison,, Margaret Atwood, Isabel Allende, Ann Sexton, Gwendolyn Brooks,, Frances Chung, and
Arundhati Roy they have welcomed these and other works with open arms.
There is currently a genocidall Gaza show in Palestine-Israel. You want to help students, ffriends andfamily the poetry leaders of the last fifty years in the Middle East, MAHMOUD DARWISH- the Pablo Neruda/Robert Frost/TS ELIOT/EMILY DICKENSON of his time.HAD HE NOT BEEN IN AN ARAB, HE WOULD HAVE WON THE NOBEL PRIZE DECADES AGO.
Many of my students have done remarkble projects related to their own penchants: paintings in the styles of Van Gogh, Kathe Kollwwiz, blues songs forcharacters in stories and novels, re-endings of novels ( To Kill A Mockingbird's Scout and herbrothr spring Tom Robinson from jail and form a new civil rightsgrooup.v