I have not written much about it, though I've talked about it quite a bit on my podcast as well as others'. Would also be happy to email with you about it if you have specific questions. :-) Or you can direct message me here, cuz that's a thing now. 😊
I have not written much about it, though I've talked about it quite a bit on my podcast as well as others'. Would also be happy to email with you about it if you have specific questions. :-) Or you can direct message me here, cuz that's a thing now. 😊
I have not written much about it, though I've talked about it quite a bit on my podcast as well as others'. Would also be happy to email with you about it if you have specific questions. :-) Or you can direct message me here, cuz that's a thing now. 😊
Shweeeet! It is! And I shall. 😻