Thank you, Uaifo! I'm so glad the piece resonated with you.
The pain-to-art process often happens subconsciously for me, and I don't really see the places where my "stuff" got injected into a story until I go back and read it. But there are other times where I'm like "Ouch! I need to go make art now." I guess this was one of those times. 💜
Best to you on your creative endeavors. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. 🥂
Tyla will love this Title... If you get my drift 😉
By the way, love the article as well, really speaks to where I am right now in terms of my pain being poured into all I do at the moment
Thank you, Uaifo! I'm so glad the piece resonated with you.
The pain-to-art process often happens subconsciously for me, and I don't really see the places where my "stuff" got injected into a story until I go back and read it. But there are other times where I'm like "Ouch! I need to go make art now." I guess this was one of those times. 💜
Best to you on your creative endeavors. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. 🥂
No thank you my good Lady *takes a bow 😉
And I'm happy to have found a Like-Soul as mine here, cheers once again to our contact 🥂