Tyla will love this Title... If you get my drift 😉

By the way, love the article as well, really speaks to where I am right now in terms of my pain being poured into all I do at the moment

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Thank you, Uaifo! I'm so glad the piece resonated with you.

The pain-to-art process often happens subconsciously for me, and I don't really see the places where my "stuff" got injected into a story until I go back and read it. But there are other times where I'm like "Ouch! I need to go make art now." I guess this was one of those times. 💜

Best to you on your creative endeavors. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. 🥂

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No thank you my good Lady *takes a bow 😉

And I'm happy to have found a Like-Soul as mine here, cheers once again to our contact 🥂

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Beautiful. Art truly is power. And freedom. 🥰🙏👏❤️💕

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I love it. It summarizes where I am in my art journey right now. Frustration as I learn new techniques and disappointment when my painting doesn't look like I want it too when I'm done. Yet the process is fun and relaxing for the most part.

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I love that you paint! I wish I could.

I watch a lot of time lapse painting videos on Instagram. People are so insanely talented; it blows my mind. 🤯💜🔥

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I know! I'm hoping with practice I'll improve. I'm so impatient! I want success now, ya know? I was the same way with guitar and piano. 🤣😂

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I played piano for years as a kid ... of course, I quit JUST before I got really good. And guitar is hard!!! They say it just takes 15 minutes of practice a day for 40 years to reach mastery. 🤣

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Sooooo, I need to paint as much as I write? Wow! I need to get busy! 😜😂

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I also think it's a good idea to keep some art that is purely for joy. Whether that be painting, or guitaring, or interpretive kitchen dancing. Some stuff should be just for us and just for fun. 🥰

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I respond to every word of this, Meg. There are no lies here, and it is such a relief to recognize truth in this day and this age. Immediately I thought of Sheila Moeschen and her magnificent photography from just this morning... https://smoeschen.substack.com/p/lens-zen-midweek-smooth-brain-edition. Thanks so much for this thoughtful piece.

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Thank you, Sharron. And thank you for sharing Sheila's piece with me. I enjoyed it so much. 🥰 Best to you, always, with your art and your heart. 💜

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I especially resonate with "to wage war on color, light . . .until it bends to reflect thier heartache ". I like the tension and the opportunity for creation in that statement.

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Thank you, Jeff! I've been very inspired by visual artists lately. They do SO much with so little. It's really amazing.

Thank you for reading!

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This is beautiful.

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Art is life. Life is art.

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And once again!!

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Beautifully rendered. Love is power. Spiritually speaking, it is the only power.

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This is lovely, Meg. It feels like I read it at exactly the right time. Thank you for these inspiring words!

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