Present tense is my heavy hitter for action and feels ... the challenge comes when the narrator must cease to ... uh ... narrate.
Is Nacho Cheesier a power up from classic Nacho Cheese? Either way, I think you're safe. Everyone loves cheese. Even people who don't.
I really hope the class goes well. Teaching is one of those things I've always been told (and believed) I'd be good at and have still avoided like the plague just in case I am good at it and then have to do it forever. π
Present tense is my heavy hitter for action and feels ... the challenge comes when the narrator must cease to ... uh ... narrate.
Is Nacho Cheesier a power up from classic Nacho Cheese? Either way, I think you're safe. Everyone loves cheese. Even people who don't.
I really hope the class goes well. Teaching is one of those things I've always been told (and believed) I'd be good at and have still avoided like the plague just in case I am good at it and then have to do it forever. π
The great thing about teaching forever is that you can summon a recommendation letter with negative effort.