
Hi doll. Love the theatre photo of you! Curtain calls were the best.

Thank you again for inviting me on for a fun conversation. When’s your talk show debut?

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Love curtain calls. The best of feels. I usually cried on closing night of the show. Damn THE END of things, amirite?

I had so much fun with this episode. Thank you for joining me!

As for my talk show, I've cued it up to debut the day after I strike the set on my mid-life crisis. 😉💜

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Closing night sobs. Saying goodbye to your cast who became family. Great emotions.

The set will topple when you’re ready. 🙏😊

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I like your confidence in me, Kid. 🥰

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BTW my comedy IG handle for anyone interested is @emptynestersyndrome

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My mom just listened. She enjoyed but couldn’t figure out how to leave a comment. 😁

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May 20Liked by Good Humor by CK Steefel, Meg Oolders

Another great discussion -- you two were clearly having fun with each other.

The part about whether to treat writing as a "hobby" or as a "job" was interesting. It's such a tough balance, and one I'm grappling with now as well. If you make your "passion" your job you risk ruining the playfulness that makes you passionate about it the first place.

One way I'm approaching the challenge is to compartmentalize writing vs. publishing. The writing is your craft/art/passion/trade/vocation/etc., and while I do think you need to approach it like a professional to stay engaged and motivated, I also appreciate how divorcing yourself from the moneymaking side can keep you inspired. It's a tricky balance, and unlike any other I've experienced in my long, strange, nonsensical career.

Ultimately, as a writer and creator, I think you just have to do what works for you. And one of the hardest parts of that is being honest with yourself about whether what you're doing is working or not.

Thanks again for sharing your fun and funny insights!

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Thank you so much for listening, Amran. We did have a lot of fun. That's because there's a natural bond among theater nerds. 🤓

Re: Balance - I was raised on the adage, "do what you love, and the money will follow." Which I've learned (the brutally hard way) is absolute bullshit. I'm basically trapped in a cycle of throwing myself so hard into the thing I love doing that I ultimately poison it with my outrageous expectations about what I can achieve simply by loving the thing really hard.

With some (more) self-reflection, I'm sure I'll figure it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't like change and I really hate quitting, so I'll always be stubborn about conceding to either.

I do think I'm going to finish writing Home Raker though. Just for fun. 🔥

And I'm going to keep podcasting. Even if some episodes don't get a ton of listeners. I still feel like I'm getting an education every time I sit down with someone for an hour to dig into this stuff. I feel very fortunate. 💜

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There was a WSJ article recently about NOT telling college grads to follow their dreams. Hehe.

Definitely finish Home Raker.

Love your podcasts. ❤️

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Yeah. My generation ate a real shit sandwich on that one. 😂

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Home Raker first. Vampire influencer second. 😉

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Thx for listening!

Great advice. Bascially, write for yourself, then put on the publishing/marketing hat and go from there.

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My problem is that the hat is ill fitting. I need a milliner to fashion me a publishing/marketing hat that fits my misshapen brain canister.

And yes, I just looked up the word "milliner." 😂

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Hat making was a profession.

You’ll find the right hat.

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