Jul 23Liked by Meg Oolders

Yes, I did..... Enjoy it.

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Chilling. Thank you.

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You're welcome! Thank you for reading. 🥂

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Happy anniversary! Enjoy!

Fun story! Love the photo inspiration.

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Thank you! 💜

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It was worth the wait. You did a great job of unfolding the story. I still wasn't sure the MC had experienced organ theft until Judy reacted. THEY are everywhere.

I've been sitting on an idea for a novel for a couple of years. I've made notes and done some plotting, but I'm too busy working on stuff older than that! I just finished rewriting and editing a rough draft of a short story I wrote thirty years ago. That's what I get for digging out old notebooks.

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That's fantastic! Keep digging, I say. Today's story was from a long list of "ones that got away." https://stockfiction.substack.com/p/the-ones-that-got-away

I've tackled three titles from that post so far PLUS I managed to launch my podcast this year. Nice to have a backlist of unfinished tales to shop from when I'm short on inspiration.

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I often wonder why I didn’t complete those old rough drafts. Some other project must have captured my interest at the time. Often times, I don’t even remember what prompted me to write the thing in the first place. That makes it fun.

You are a talented writer, and I enjoy reading your stories.

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Excellent writing - showing, showing and more showing! The characters were great and interacted together so well. The tension kept coming - 'Alien' chest-bursting vibes at the least. I fought the urge to not clutch my chest from about half-way through right up to the end. (Will wear pearls next time as an excuse. 😉)

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Thank you, Johnathan. Plenty of room for sensory details in this one. Glad to know the creepy feelings resonated. 👽

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Jul 23Liked by Meg Oolders

I love it. This would make a great John Carpenter film!

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Meg, as soon as I read Officer Milkboner, I was hooked.

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Ha! Thanks, Jim. 😁

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Jul 23Liked by Meg Oolders

Yikes! Double Yikes! You got it all going on here, Meg. ( I can only assume new meds... ha ha ha.) A killer story.

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Thanks, Sharron! No meds. Just some non-FDA-approved supplements plus a wild imagination, as always. 🥂💜😉

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Jul 24Liked by Meg Oolders

Judy! Dammit, tricked again... I'm vaguely reminded of Diane Ladd in Wild at Heart... 💄

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Boom. I’ve been away for a while, pedalling the bikes from France to Wales, now heading slowly in the opposite direction. I’m gently peeking back in, catching up with my favourites. This is a beauty. Sat in the warm sun having a rest day at a French campsite and the searing sun doesn’t deal with the chills of the plot line. Superbe, as they say en France.

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Huzzah! I have missed your drop-ins and encouragement, Barrie. You must be taking in so much story fuel on your travels. My husband, with his bike-loving Dutch heritage, would be envious. He’s actually out on a ride with his dad and our son right now.

Thanks so much for taking a break to read my story.

Happy homecoming to you and JoJo. Let’s catch up when you get back!

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We’ve just clocked up the 1000th kilometre for the month and we still have plenty of cycling left. And I had a great time doing in-person encouragement at the Love Trails Festival. The words should flow when we get home. No date for arriving. Just drifting!

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Jul 24Liked by Meg Oolders

Alien body horror. Wonderfully creepy!

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Thank you, Bethany! 💜👽

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OMGs!!!!!! At first I was all…wait a— then it was WHAT?! Then it was just scroll-scroll-scroll-must-scroll-faster. 🤣😱👽🤩 Your brains never cease to amaze.

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Haha! Thank you, Alexx. This one moved pretty fast for me, too! Thanks for the compliment about my brains. Sometimes they make good messes. 💜👽🥂😍

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Thanks, I liked this!

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You're welcome! I'm glad! 🥂

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So did she steal your heart? Or steal your creative idea. Writers have been known to do that.

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This one was a standard heart theft. But I like your choice of metaphor. 🥂

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Yikes, that was good!

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Thank you!!

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I would have expected this to be too grisly for me, had I known what I was getting myself into, but this was just so beautifully written! Glad I found it in Top In Fiction.

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Thank you, David. This kind of stuff is usually to grisly for me too! It's a test of my own bravery when I venture into the horror genre. 😁🥂

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