Ha! Thank you, CK. The research wasn't so bad. I'd seen it all before by nature of being a female in her 40s. But looking for the stuff on purpose threw a lovely shot of jet fuel at the algorithm behind my Instagram feed. It's been nothing but shapewear-encased breasts ever since. 😂
This was awesome. You must have been cringing during research. Glad you got your humor mojo back. 🥰
Ha! Thank you, CK. The research wasn't so bad. I'd seen it all before by nature of being a female in her 40s. But looking for the stuff on purpose threw a lovely shot of jet fuel at the algorithm behind my Instagram feed. It's been nothing but shapewear-encased breasts ever since. 😂
Oh no! Lots of ads for magical skin cream and gravity defying braziers in your future. Ugh. (Does anyone use the word, "brazier" anymore?)
I do. 😂