Stock Fiction
Talk Fiction
09 | Absolute Hilarity Ensues Absolutely

09 | Absolute Hilarity Ensues Absolutely

Two gregarious gremlins discuss attic real estate, self-publishing, weird jobs, and brand anxiety.

Welcome back to Talk Fiction, the podcast dedicated to entertainment media’s most overlooked underdogs: fiction writers. Today, I have one of my all-time favorite funny people on the show to talk to us about the slippery slope that is shopping cart misdemeanor and the perils of poorly orchestrated sex education.

We also talk about the wonderfully weird world of Wattpad, the blessing/curse of the Amazon machine, and how my guest turns slices of his real life into really funny fiction.

is the 57th funniest guy on the internet, and a damned treat to talk with. He also says the ‘f’ word a lot, which delights me to an embarrassing degree.

As promised, here are Michael’s greatest hits, in no particular order:

Situation Normal: The Newsletter

Situation Normal: The Podcast

Not Safe For Work: A Porn Valley Mystery (Vol. 1)

Peter’s Little Peter (FREE to read on Wattpad) 🍌

Psst … while you’re over there, you can read my book, too. 🫦

Stick around and Talk Fiction with us!

My guest and I will be standing by to field any questions or comments you have about writing funny, being funny, or just being your inimitable “self.”

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Music: Birds of the Meadow by Josh Ritter

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Stock Fiction
Talk Fiction
Stock Fiction creator Meg Oolders chats with some of her favorite writers for your entertainment. This is what happens when creatives get together to talk about their greatest passion. And whatever the hell else they need to talk about.
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Appears in episode
Meg Oolders
Michael Estrin